We are pleased to announce that CAAD Futures 2025 will be held at the University of Hong Kong during the first week of July 2025.
The theme of CAAD Futures 2025 is ‘Catalytic Interfaces’. This reflects our goals (i) to catalyse collaborative and interdisciplinary research initiatives around emergent computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) research priorities, and (ii) to provide a platform for local, regional, and international researchers in the field of CAAD to interface and collaborate.
To achieve this, we have designed a dynamic two-pronged programme. Our conference features Regular Paper Presentations on emergent interfacing CAAD research. Additionally, a dedicated series of team-based ‘Catalytic Interfaces’ programming will provide infrastructure, both physical and digital, along with focused time and attention for fostering collaboration on new research priorities both during and prior to the conference.
We are pleased to announce that our submission system is now open; please find the instructions for submitting paper abstracts and project proposals within the programmes’ respective pages under ‘Calls’ in the webpage’s menu bar.
Thank you in advance for your participation, and we very much look forward to welcoming you in Hong Kong next year.
Yours sincerely,
CAAD Futures 2025 Organising Committee
Prof. Kristof Crolla
Prof. Kam-Ming Mark Tam
Prof. Hongshan Guo
Dr. Garvin Goepel
Mr. Haotian Zhang
Please send all inquiries to this e-mail address.